Incredibly Fast JSF Component Development
March 29, 2012
Why is a JSF components development so painful?
It would be really great if I could develop full-blown JSF components wrapping some JavaScript UI widget as fast as I’m developing plain HTML, wouldn’t it?
Just two words: fast turnaround!
Every tool and every framework which tries to simplify a process should have a strategy to allow a fast turnaround. It is lowering a learning curve and saves developers many invaluable hours. And mainly it makes working with the a tool a pleasure!
RichFaces CDK
- a Java component interface,
- a HTML renderer (with Facelets-like syntax),
- generates all the boilerplate code automatically including
- all the Java code,
- configurations (faces-config.xml and .taglib.xml),
- and a VDL documentation.
Quick Turnaround with RichFaces CDK
There is guide which covers how to setup your tooling to start with a development.
It covers setting up the component and demo project in JBoss Tools (on top of Eclipse IDE) and how to automatically trigger build when you change CDK resources.
And to make the deployment phase as quick as possible?
We are using JRebel to hot-deploy built resources into JBoss AS 7, which is itself f&@#ng fast.
That’s it!
You can just save & refresh *the page!